[need bigger description] Credits for the picture and video recording - to Julie Wyslocki and Odilardo Faria
[need longer description] All credits for the video go to Odilardo Faria
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – The national president of the Organization for the Defense of Lemkivshchyna (known by its Ukrainian-based acronym as OOL), Mark Howansky, met with Profs. Lubomyr Hajda and Roman Szporluk at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI) on Friday May 4. Mr. Howansky graduated from Harvard College in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in…
A new exhibit the Ukrainian-Lemko social realist artist Nicholas Bervinchak is now open at the Pennsylvania Anthracite Heritage Museum in Scranton, Pa. It will continue through July 10th. You can get hours and directions at http://www.anthracitemuseum.org/visit/ . Here is a short video of what you will see in the exhibit.
Report of Mark Howansky - President of OOL about the recent OOL activity in XI World Congress of Ukrainians, which was held in Kyiv on November 24-27, 2018
Video-report "What is the OOL?" for the XI World Congress of Ukrainians, which was held in Kyiv on November 24-27, 2018.
Credits for taking pictures to Julie Wyslocki, Andriy Khomyk and Odilardo Faria.
Our big thanks for video recording – to Odilardo Faria.
Art at the Institute was pleased to present an exhibition of etchings by American artist of Lemko ancestry, Nicholas Bervinchak (1903-1978). Executed mostly during the Great Depression and into the following decade, these prints document the miners, tools, working conditions, and family life surrounding the isolated anthracite coal mining towns (also known as patches) of…
Старший з двох братів Амбіцьких, Юрій, належить до плеяди талано-витих різьбярів. Народився в селі Прусик, поблизу Сянока, звідки разом з родиною був переселений в Україну. Майстром круглої різьби став після закінчення Львівського державного інституту прикладного і декоративного мистецтва 1965 року. Отримавши професійну вищу освіту у Львові, де розпочався його творчий шлях, він осяг неабияких успіхів та широкого визнання.…