What is the Organization for the Defense of Lemko Western Ukraine Inc.? We are an organization of Ukrainian Lemkos who came to America in the early 1900s and settled in Western Pennsylvania and the tri-state area.
Last week Poland's Supreme Administrative Court passed a precedent verdict in a case over property confiscated by the state in 1949 from Maria Hladyk, an ethnic Lemko who was compulsorily resettled in 1947 from her village in Beskid Niski (a region in southeastern Poland ). In 1999, Maria Hladyk's grandson, Stefan Hladyk, applied to the…
by Dr. Myron B. Kuropas Prior to 1914, few emigres from Ukraine called themselves “Ukrainians.” During the first 20 years of immigration, they generally identified with a particular region in Ukraine, calling themselves “Lemkos,” “Boykos” and “Hutsuls.” By about the mid-1890s, however, most of the older immigrants had come to call themselves “UhroRusyns” (Hungarian Rusyns)…