Andriy Kaszczak was born on December 6, 1930 in Zdynia in Lemkivshchyna.
His parents were Pavlo Kaszczak (1897-1980) and Tekla (maiden name was Kapitula) (1900-1970). Andriy was the fourth of six children in his family.
He studied at the village school in Zdynia, in Polish from 1937-38 and, at time of the German occupation starting from 1939, in Ukrainian and German. At the age of 14, he dug trenches for the Germans at the Dukla Pass. In 1947, the communists closed the schools and resettled Andrew with his family to former German territory, to Danków, and to forced labor there.
In 1950, Andriy was drafted into the Polish Army. For two years, he served in the artillery, where his knowledge of Ukrainian suddenly came in handy – the Polish used Soviet maps and Andriy could read them. In this way, he ended up at sub-officer school.
After the army, he worked in the forest, cutting trees. The Poles there discriminated against Ukrainians, so Andriy left to be trained as a tractor driver. He worked in the Szczecin area by the Baltic Sea.
In 1956, he married Teresa Koflia (born in 1933) and, while they were still in Poland, they had a daughter named Lida (1957) and a son name John (1959). When they immigrated to the United States – in 1963 – their son George was born. They lived with family in Yonkers, NY, where, in 1970, their daughter Lesia was born.
For several years, Andriy worked as a machinist at the Precision Valve Corporation in Yonkers and, before retiring in 1995, at butchery in the Bronx.
Andriy was a member of OOL from his first days in America, serving for many years as Secretary and Vice President.